Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Red Couch

This I got vis Blogsphere News Box: Recently, recently, Robert Scoble and Shel Israel have published a draft of the first chapter – Village Blacksmiths of the Information Age of a book they have been writing about business blogging titled The Red Couch (Though they’re contemplating changing the title). Yes, they should change the title.

Excerpt: Every few years, something comes along to change the way everything is. In the middle 1990s, it was the Internet. Previously, email, computer networks, PCs, fax machines and copiers altered our lives. The continuum of change extends all the way back through TVs, phones, trains, the telegraph, electricity, the printing press perhaps to when the wheel was first rolled out. Draft chapter of the book is here and it is very interesting.
They’re looking for feedback including reviews, comments and revisions.

Cross posted at Light Within


Anonymous said...

got a strange feelin that ive read this exact post on a few other blogs....... hmmm.... blog spammin disguised as x-postin khekhkehkhe....

S A J Shirazi said...

No, not smamming. Please take it this way: "One wants this piece to be noted by every one and learn a lesson that is there."

Anonymous said...

"One wants this piece to be noted by every one and learn a lesson that is there."

Isn't that the first manifesto of Fascism, comrade Sherazi? ;)

S A J Shirazi said...


Anonymous said...

-One wants this piece to be noted by every one-

Sounds pretty spammy!